St. Anthony's Developmental 2 - 12/16/2023
Overall Results

PLNameLNYR TeamWindTime
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Frosh 36" Hu Freshman r1 h1
1 Logan Hecht 3  Saint Anthony's  9.86
2 Christian Mahfood 6  Kellenberg Memorial  10.80
3 Julian Park 5  Saint Anthony's  11.15
4 Dominic Fiocco 1  St. John the Baptist  11.64
DNS Maximo Chiodi 2  Wellington C. Mepham  0.00
DNS William Landolphi 4  Chaminade  0.00
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Frosh 36" Hu Freshman r1 h2
1 Marcelino Ducasse 2  Saint Anthony's  10.93
2 Joey Ricoy 5  Kellenberg Memorial  11.23
3 Justin Liewehr 4  Saint Anthony's  11.65
DNS Jack Cappadoro 3  Saint Anthony's  0.00
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Frosh 36" Hu Freshman Combined Heats
1Logan Hecht3 Saint Anthony's9.86
2Christian Mahfood6 Kellenberg Memorial10.80
3Marcelino Ducasse2 Saint Anthony's10.93
4Julian Park5 Saint Anthony's11.15
5Joey Ricoy5 Kellenberg Memorial11.23
6Dominic Fiocco1 St. John the Baptist11.64
7Justin Liewehr4 Saint Anthony's11.65

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